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Scam alert – Federal Court Subpoena email
Scam alert – Federal Court Subpoena email

Scam alert – Federal Court Subpoena email

We would like to pass on a media alert about the following scam.

The Federal Court has been contacted by a large number of people who have received emails, purportedly sent by the Federal Court on behalf of the Federal Circuit Court, subpoenaing them to attend court at a specified time. The email also requires the recipient to click on a link to both the court address and case related information.

Neither the Federal Court nor the Federal Circuit Court issue subpoenas in such an informal way. These emails have not been issued by the Court and are fraudulent.

Most importantly, anyone receiving such an email should not click on any of the links as they may contain viruses or malware and we recommend that you delete the email from your inbox and your deleted folder.

For more information see : http://www.federalcircuitcourt.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/fccweb/reports-and-publications/media-releases/2016/mr080716


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